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相關【試用】86小舖 - Annie's Way 安妮絲薇 謝曬皮 金盞花親膚柔嫩果凍面膜 40ml1入 - 201805AM170000145商品推薦
【試用】86小舖 - Annie's Way 安妮絲薇 謝曬皮 金盞花親膚柔嫩果凍面膜 40ml1入 - 201805AM170000145
網址: http://wonderfulapple.net/2EILY
平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 【試用】86小舖 - Annie's Way 安妮絲薇 謝曬皮 金盞花親膚柔嫩果凍面膜 40ml1入 - 201805AM170000145的
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 【試用】86小舖 - Annie's Way 安妮絲薇 謝曬皮 金盞花親膚柔嫩果凍面膜 40ml1入 - 201805AM170000145吧!!!
【試用】86小舖 - Annie's Way 安妮絲薇 謝曬皮 金盞花親膚柔嫩果凍面膜 40ml1入 - 201805AM170000145功能:
【試用】86小舖 - Annie's Way 安妮絲薇 謝曬皮 金盞花親膚柔嫩果凍面膜 40ml1入 - 201805AM170000145描述:
1. After cleansing the face, apply toner as base. (Please avoid applying skincare products that contain acid or oil ingredients)
2. Use a spatula to apply Jelly Mask evenly approximately 0.3-0.5 cm thick
3.After 15-30 minutes, remove the Jelly Mask, softened blackheads and acne by scraping gently. For heavily affected areas such as the bridge and sides of the nose, repeat gentle scraping.
4.After scraping is complete, wipe off residue with tissue paper.
5.Rinse with water.We suggest using a piece of paper mask or applying a moisturizer. Use twice a week, or as needed.
Friendly Reminder: For first time users, use only for 5 minutes as a test. Follow your individual skin condition to adjust future length of applications. Please do not leave product on skin over 30 minutes.
透過凍膜中的特殊配方,厚敷溶解髒污,代謝.軟化老廢皮脂, 促使毛囊壁收縮, 使淺層粉刺浮離出毛孔,
【試用】86小舖 - Annie's Way 安妮絲薇 謝曬皮 金盞花親膚柔嫩果凍面膜 40ml1入 - 201805AM170000145
相關【試用】86小舖 - Annie's Way 安妮絲薇 謝曬皮 金盞花親膚柔嫩果凍面膜 40ml1入 - 201805AM170000145商品推薦
【試用】86小舖 - Annie's Way 安妮絲薇 謝曬皮 金盞花親膚柔嫩果凍面膜 40ml1入 - 201805AM170000145
【試用】86小舖 - Annie's Way 安妮絲薇 謝曬皮 金盞花親膚柔嫩果凍面膜 40ml1入 - 201805AM170000145